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Browsing Tag: Veggies

Seedlings: A Comparison of Container Size

It’s that time of year when the seedlings are getting ready to head out into the big, big world. You’ve planted them and spaced them just so, you’ve watered them, given them ample light, and nurtured them… and it’s finally time to plant! I wanted to share a few pictures and video of two sets of seedlings to compare. Both are the same lettuce variety, sown…

Time Management

You’ve made it this far, you’re doing great! One thing that made it hard for me to enjoy my garden was the stress of always feeling like it wasn’t “done” or that lingering “to-do” that I had on my list. There are so many new things as a gardener that you have to think about. Am I watering enough? Am I watering too much? Are my…

Seedling Care

Your little seedlings have been tucked into the garden… Now what? Alright so you’ve got some starts in the ground (woop woop)! Do you just leave them be and hope for the best? Noooo! We’ve still got a little bit of work to do until your plants are a little more independent. Think water, weeds, and pests.  All three are things that can impact how well…

How to Safely Transplant Seedlings

Got seedlings? Awesome! Now it’s time to plant those little babies outside in the real world! The first thing you have to do with your seedlings is harden them off. You may be thinking uhm what exactly does that mean? Well I’m going to tell you another story (can you tell yet I like stories?). Once upon a time I planted a whole lot of flower seeds in…

Plan Your Garden Space, Big or Small

It’s that time of year where we start thinking about all of the fresh produce and goodies that come from the garden, and I do mean ALL of it! Unfortunately, our eyes and stomachs are often bigger than our garden spaces and you really have to check yourself. Today I am going to walk you through how to plan out a garden efficiently, so that you can have tasty…

The 4 Reasons Why I Garden, and Why You Should Too!

Are you ready for the million dollar question- why did I start gardening? Maybe you stumbled upon this blog looking for cute pictures of raised beds because you want an herb garden. Or maybe you were looking for resources because you’ve decided you’re all in and want to grow all of your own produce from home (go you!). Whatever the reason, I hope this post will encourage you…