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Daily Archives: June 28, 2020

Plan Your Garden Space, Big or Small

It’s that time of year where we start thinking about all of the fresh produce and goodies that come from the garden, and I do mean ALL of it! Unfortunately, our eyes and stomachs are often bigger than our garden spaces and you really have to check yourself. Today I am going to walk you through how to plan out a garden efficiently, so that you can have tasty…

Soil Type & Why It Matters

It’s not just “dirt”! Once you’ve got a good spot picked out it’s time to prep your soil area. Many people forget about the soil, but it’s so incredibly important for the vitality of your plants. Plants need healthy soil to thrive! If you don’t have a spot in the ground that’s already tilled, you may wish to borrow a rotor…

The 4 Reasons Why I Garden, and Why You Should Too!

Are you ready for the million dollar question- why did I start gardening? Maybe you stumbled upon this blog looking for cute pictures of raised beds because you want an herb garden. Or maybe you were looking for resources because you’ve decided you’re all in and want to grow all of your own produce from home (go you!). Whatever the reason, I hope this post will encourage you…